worship lyrics

october 17, 2021

  • God of possibility, our love has broken through and is everywhere around me.  

    Lord, help me realize the fullness of your grace, so I might be moved to a response.  

    When I see opportunities in my everyday life to be present, remind me to pray, serve, give, and witness.  


  • I raise a hallelujah, in presence of my enemies

    I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief

    I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody

    I raise a hallelujah, heaven comes to fight for me


    Chorus – I’m gonna sing in the middle of the storm.

    Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar.

    Up from the ashes, hope will arise.

    Death is defeated, the King is alive


    I raise a hallelujah, with ev’rything inside of me

    I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee

    I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery

    I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me. (to Chorus)


    Sing a little louder (sing a little louder)

    Sing a little louder (sing a little louder)

    Sing a little louder (sing a little louder)

    Sing a little louder (sing a little louder)


    Sing a little louder (in the presence of my enemies)

    Sing a little louder (louder than the unbelief)

    Sing a little louder (my weapon is a melody)

    Sing a little louder (Heaven comes to fight for me)

    (repeat then to chorus 2xs)


    I raise a hallelujah. I raise a hallelujah.

    I raise a hallelujah. I raise a hallelujah.


    Raise A Hallelujah words and music by Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser, Molly Skaggs and Jake

    Stevens Copyright 2018 CCLI #7118315

  • I’ve got a friend closer than a brother. There is no judgment.

    Oh, how he loves me, I’ve got a friend. And He is my strength.

    He is my portion. With me in the valley, with me in the fire,

    with me in the storm. Let all my life testify


    Chorus – Hallelujah! We are not alone.

    God really loves us, God really loves us.

    Hallelujah! Oh praise, my soul,

     God really loves us, God really loves us.


    His mercy’s enough, His grace is sufficient.

    So come if you’ve needing forgiveness or healing.

    His mercy’s enough. Oh, and this our hope.

    The cross it has spoken. Death is no more, Christ is the Lord.

    Oh, this is our hope. (to Chorus)

    And oh, oh. Sing oh, oh.

    What a Father, what a Friend. What a Savior He is.

    What a Father, what a Friend. What a Savior He is.


    Hallelujah! We are not alone. God really loves us,

    God really loves us. Hallelujah! Oh praise, my soul,

    God really loves us, God really loves us.


    What a Father, what a Friend. What a Savior He is.

    What a Father, what a Friend. What a Savior He is.

    What a Father, what a Friend. What a Savior He is.

    What a Father, what a Friend. What a Savior He is.


    God Really Loves Us words and music by Ben Glover, Dante Bowe, David Crowder and Jeff Sojka Copyright

    2021 Bethel Worship Publishing CCLI #71748

  • We want our coffee in the lobby. We watch our worship on a screen.

    We gotta rockstar preacher who won’t wake us from our dreams.

    We want our blessings in our pocket. We keep our missions over-seas. 

    But for the hurting in our cities, would we ever cross the street.


    Oh but we wanna see the heart set free and the tyrants kneel.

    The walls fall down and our land be healed.

    But church, if we want to see change in the world our there.


    Chorus- It got to start right here. It’s got to start right now.

    Lord, I’m starting right here. Lord, I’m starting right now.


    I’m like the brother of the prodigal who turned his nos

    and puffed his chest. He didn’t run off like his brother.

    But his soul was just as dead.

    What if the church on Sunday was still the church on Monday too?

    What if we came down from our towers and

    walked a mile in someone’s shoes.


    Oh, but we wanna see the heart set free and the tyrants kneel.

    The walls fall down and our land be healed.

    But church, if we want to see change in the world out there. (to Chorus)


    We’re the people who are called by His name.

    If we’ll surrender all our pride and turn from our ways.

    He will hear from Heaven and forgive our sin.

     He will heal our land but it starts right here (repeat. Then chorus 2xs)


    Start Right Here, words and music by Casting Crowns Copyright 2018 CentricSongs CCLI 7122288

     All songs used by permission under CCLI License #705122